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Re: Falwell and Robertson blame gays and liberals for WTC Attack

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, Brad Caviness wrote:

> Is this not one of the most horrible, unchristian assertions you've
> ever heard? Sometimes I wonder what the difference is between some of
> the more fundamentalist followers of Christ and the followers of the
> Islamic Jihad.

i think their belif that somehow america is the new Israel. and that
there's some pact of protection for them now..

i remember feeling shoecked when i came across it in my schol readings.

it's foolish to assume that somehow a nation comes in for God's special
protection by following rules.

of all things.

rules. law. exactly what christianity is NOT supposed to be about.

and as for falwell, i think my utter disgust and heightened anger eclipse
my vocabulry.

> problem is we have adopted their agenda at the highest levels of our
> government."

what agenda?


go away, or i will replace you with a very small shell script.

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