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Re: hm...

--- Tobi <Tapehead at gmx_de> wrote:
> Just a question... I wrote a long mail to the list and now
> I didn't get it. Is it just me or didn't it make it 
> through to the list?
I had the same thing happen to me... I wrote what would've
been the definitive last (500) word(s) on the homosexual
debate and it never posted to the group. I took it as divine
providence that the discussion was firmly over... though if
anyone has an interest in reading what I had to say, I'd be
happy to send it to you privately or re-post it to the

Bradley S. Caviness, Bigwig
Bigwig Enterprises


"We're all writing everyday with our lives, whether or not we ever pick up a pen." – Linford Detweiler, Over the Rhine

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