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I need help with a paradox. not a trick question,i do not know the answer

While it's been tempting to jump in on the hot homosexuality topic, I
thought it would be wise to make my first post on something less
controversial.  So let me say "Hello" and then on to an answer.

Go back enough generations and the branches start crossing and tie-ing
together.  No one has a  "perfect" family tree like you described.  Second
cousins marry each other.  Great great grandparents may be great great
father-in-laws, etc.  When the earth was young, with few people,
inter-marrying was more common.  Now that we have billions of mates to
choose from, it's a little less common.

--Chris Cochran (a new listee)

Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 18:28:58 EDT
From: CheetahJN at aol_com
Subject: I need help with a paradox. not a trick question, i do not know the

I'm plotting my family tree. I have two parents. I record the names of all
four grandparents and all 8 great grandparents.<snip> Go back
10 more generations and I need about 1 billion people to account for my
existence. <snip> I don't think there was a billion people
on the planet then.<snip>

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