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anyone heard anything about this?

was wondering if we had any updates on when linford's
book and cd were going to happen.  not that i'm
impatient or anything.  just trying to figure out if i
should be harassing my mailman or not.



Well, many of you have asked me when I was going to
publish my first book, and I have an answer now: July.
The working title for the collection is, Close Enough
to Share One Spine. And I'm also going to put the
finishing touches on a new collection of solo piano
recordings, (Lord willing, I can hear my father say)
tentatively called, A Book of Matches and A Satellite
Dish. This too will be available in July, but the
title might change. A Book of Matches and A Reel to
Reel is an option. Also, Michael Wilson has the
following great line in one of his books: "hymntime in
the land of abandon". But I'd have to check with not
only Michael, (who was generous enough to leave the
words "I Don't Think There's No Need to Bring Nothin'"
on our answering machine), (part of an invitation to
dinner), but also Jeff Bell, who wanted to use
Hymntime in the Land of Abandon as the title for one
of his screenplays.)

We're still working on the title. What It Takes To
Please You is no longer available, so it's tough.

As we are prone to do in the Imaginary Apple Orchard,
we're going to run one of those red (delicious) light
specials and allow the faithful few to reserve signed
and numbered copies of these labors of love in

For those of you interested in copies of the book
*and* the new piano cd, this is Stacie's pre-order
special: $25 includes shipping and handling for copies
of both the book and the cd after they arrive hot off
the presses in July. Those of you interested in one or
the other (or neither) can order (or not) later in
July after they are added to the catalog. The cost
will be $15 each plus shipping and handling at that
time. (Office note: to clarify, the special is only
for those interested in pre-ordering signed and
numbered copies of both the book and the cd.)

i believe in love but it don't believe in me
old 97's

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