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Re: John Austin

I actually saw him this past fall here in Virginia at a local coffee house.
I was there to watch a friend and also knew that Bill Campbell from the
Throes was going to be there playing (we went to the same church).  I saw
this guy playing and was enjoying his stuff when I realized that I had gone
to High School with him.   Here is a website where you can get some of his
stuff and his wife's, Erin Echo, stuff.   http://www.cmusicnet.com/main.html
Along with All of Bill's stuff.
> John Austin!  I loved him!  We sorta 'hung out' at C-Stone '94.  Fed him =
> gumbo, (being from Louisiana...)  He gave me his home address.  Said =
> he'd look me up if he was in town and we'd go out to eat.  I was =
> absolutely enamored. (drool...)  Of course, I never heard from him =
> again, those musician-types.  (sigh)  Anyone heard/seen him lately?

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