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John Austin; funny story

In a message dated 6/24/2001 4:13:46 PM Central Daylight Time,
3.MILES at prodigy_net writes:

John Austin!  I loved him!  We sorta 'hung out' at C-Stone '94.  Fed him
gumbo, (being from Louisiana...)  He gave me his home address.  Said he'd
look me up if he was in town and we'd go out to eat.  I was absolutely
enamored. (drool...)  Of course, I never heard from him again, those
musician-types.  (sigh)  Anyone heard/seen him lately?

BTW, One Fest was awesome.  Too bad Karin got sick and OtR couldn't be
there.  Glad to hear she's better now.  I was sooo looking forward to a
great performance.  Also, too bad I've used up all my money and vacation
time so I won't be attending C-Stone this year.  Would anybody going please
have a little fun for me?

A few years ago I was watching Oprah (why the hell I was ever doing that is
another story).  They had this show in which they were pulling practical
jokes with hidden cameras and taping the reactions of the "victims".  John
was one such victim.  He was working as a TEMP DOING FILING; CAN YOU BELIEVE
IT?  "Poor guy," I thought; but that's not the funny part.  They were testing
people to evaluate their work ethic.  A person posing as his boss told him
what to do and said that she wouldn't be back all afternoon.  They thought
that they would coax him into sloughing off and being lazy, but contrary.  He
did everything they told him to do.  Really boring footage but when they came
in to tell him he was being taped he laughed and showed his little overbite
as he looked into the hidden camera.  Though everyone else that they taped
lazy asses.  Quite a commentary; I always heard that Christians made
awful employees.  

