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Re: cs lewis

Kelvin wrote:
> "Creation Science" is a very ligitimate science.

Absolutely not.  No way, no how, and no where.  Science is
evidence-driven.  If you find evidence that contradicts your
hypothesis, you change or discard your hypothesis.  So-called
"creation science" is hypothesis-driven.  If they find contradictory
evidence, they ignore the evidence.  Actually, in practical terms, 
they *don't* find contradictory evidence.  They are still presenting
"evidence" that has been disproven for over thirty years.

And before anyone accuses me of bias, I am a professional
astrophysicist who is also a Christian.  I can't stand
creation science.  

Sorry, but this hit a nerve, since it affects two integral parts
of my identity: my faith and my profession.

I've got to get to work...
Don Smith                    Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
donaldas at umich_edu                          http://xte.mit.edu/~dasmith/

The Iron Chef in The Matrix:       "I know Kung Pao!"       "Show me."

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