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Re: cover horror

--- rainy day jane <waytogojane at hotmail_com> wrote:
> however, it's covered by many people...especially
> christian artists. i've 
> seen plumb do it in concert a few times, then there
> was an awful ccm version 
> by some girl (don't remember her name)...

That was a chick named Jill Parr.  I remember the
phone sales girl from the record company trying to
pitch it to me.  ("It's like...so rad!  I like totally
love it cause...that's like my favorite song!")
Alas, it did indeed turn out to be yet another abysmal
concoction of musical drivel.


"Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy that sustained him during temporary periods of joy."
                               -- W.B. Yeats

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