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RE: Rose Polenzani (was OTR/CJ Dates Clarification)

When i saw her here in Portland, I got too into what Goody was playing. I
should like to hear her with a full band though. Some artists are better
suited to playing minimal, and others aren't. I've seen Tara MacLean about
10 times, and i had heard her studio work alot before i ever saw her live.
When she started supporting her first CD, she was just playing with her
husband Bill Bell (who has a similar style to Goody, in terms of texture)
and i got distracted by Bill's amazing guitar work. Now she plays with a
drummer/percussionist (should have been me, dangit!) and it fills the sound
out alot. Bill plays mostly, and Tara just sings, dances and sways her hips
(even more distracting!). Not that Rose should start doing the tush boogie
on stage or anything, but i think in a different context, her performance
would have caught my ear more, i guess. I think i'd like to hear her CD
though. I rather like her website and anymore, i think an artist taking
personal time to interact with their users via the web is amazing. I think
it's really cool, even if the website is not really made by them, at least
it gives the impression that it's in first person. Chantal Kreviazuk used to
regularly call a voicemail line from the road when she was on tour, and talk
about the tour, the town she was in, and sometimes what political or social
issues that she was thinking about. She webmaster would then make RealAudio
clips of them and post them on her site. Very Cool! Wouldn't that be cool,
if L&K carried around one of those little voice recorders and just started
recording their thoughts, unedited, and then posted mp3's of them on the
site? Of course, that's a little more bare-all than writing poetry and
posting it.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-over-the-rhine at actwin_com
[mailto:owner-over-the-rhine at actwin_com]On Behalf Of treemenn at fehq_org
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 3:17 PM
To: Over-the-Rhine at actwin_com
Subject: Rose Polenzani (was OTR/CJ Dates Clarification)


Wanted to comment on Rose Polenzani, so I'm delurking to the list for only
the second time.

> > From soberman_69 at hotmail_com:
> >
> >Who are we gonna get, another nondescript singer-songwriter named Rose?
(God help me.)

>From: Ysobelle at aol_com

> Just so you know, Rose Polenzani isn't a no one. I seem to remember she
> opened for Indigo Girls for a few dates their last tour, which generally
> means you have some standing in the world both spiritually and musically,
> knowing the Girls.

You are right... Rose opened for the Girls on their last tour, and she is
also opening for the Girls for their current tour (acoustic duo tour).
Rose's 2nd album is on Daemon Records (the Girls record company). Perhaps
this doesn't make her well known, but nondescript is a harsh ruling to give
to this talented artist, IMHO. Course, being connected to the Indigo Girls
doesn't necessarly mean good things to everyone, so...

> No, I didn't get to see her myself. I only know her by reputation.

I did get to see her, when she opened for OtR in St. Louis in March. I was
greatly impressed with her lyrics - I found them moving and sensitive, and a
perfect setup for OtR. Rose's soft voice, combined with her tendency to
suddenly let loose with a "belt," was stunning and seemed to cast a spell
over the room (though missing two people near the back that insisted on
talking through everything - even OtR's set).

Admittedly, I did like Rose an awful lot, so my opinion is coloured
appropriately. But regardless of like or dislike, I think Rose is unique and
gifted. I hope that her friendship with Amy Ray continues, and I am grateful
the Indigo Girls have given Rose the chance that she needs.

On a lighter note, I give Rose credit for sticking with her last name,
despite the difficult spelling. :)

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