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Re: Luxury (no OtR)

the original KB wrote:

>--- Matthew Mesina <soberman_69 at hotmail_com> wrote:
> >
>   Wow!  What a body of talent our
> > little subculture has!
>And what little subculture would that be? :)
Christianity.  Everyone knows Superman, but Bibleman is another matter.  
Plus, last time I checked the national clock we were about three minutes 
from being declared an officially pagan nation.  Woo-hoo!  Let the wanton 
debauchery commence!

The fact that Marilyn Manson can be quoted in a recent Rolling Stone about 
how a certain church group that doesn't want him anywhere near Columbine is 
being "disrespectful" and be taken seriously, in light of the things he has 
said and done in the name of "harmless entertainment" to profane what many 
in that church group and beyond hold dear and sacred, is just the most 
recent bit of evidence to pass under my world-weary eyes.  Talk about 
one-sided.  Now, were this another social/racial group he has lambasting, a 
rebuttal would be the least you could except, with public outrage the most 
likely actual response.  Did you hear that Jerry Lewis, of all people, had 
to recently apologize to MDA victims for his use of the word "cripple"?  
Kinda puts things in context, eh?

Please, any non-Christian who reads this, do not think I am necessarily 
equating paganism with the state or condition of not following Christ.

a proud minority,

Matt, who dreams of a Karin/Manson duet, NOT!
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