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Re: talkin' about <insert deity here> ...

> My issue isn't so much
> the theology specifically, it's that the signal:noise ratio on this list
> is horrific.  It's probably the worst of any list I've ever been on, and
> that includes the lynch-list's constant political rants ...

I think part of that habit stems from the 1.5+ year period where OTR didn't
do anything of note except the occasional show.

> You got an
> in joke you want to continue?  Keep it within the in crowd.  Want to
> respond directly to the author of a specific post?  Do it off list.  I
> agree whole heartedly with Chris ... the occasional off topic post,
> little joke etc is inevitable but when you get on to the fifteen or
> twentieth post in an off topic thread it's way out of line.  People are
> friends here, that's well and good but at the end of the day it's a
> discussion list dedicated to a band not to who did what today ...

Right.  Except that meta-discussion is by definition on topic for a list
such as this.

My whole beef with the whole religion topic is that it always goes on and on
well past fifteen or twenty posts.   The notice that the majordomo sends out
when you join used to state that the rules of the list specifically forbade
religious discussion due to the heated flamewars that would erupt.  This, of
course, came after the first big jihad on the list - the one where Snoop
Duggy Dug made that poor girl cry, or something.

Jesus is just all right with me, but at some point, you gotta give it a
rest, or take it to rec.music.christian, or a reasonable facsimile.   Don't
do it for me - do it so poor Ysoie doesn't have an aneurysm.    (side note
to Ysoie - remind me to send you that thesis paper I wrote about
Judeo-Christian-Islamic fundamentalists)

Thank you, drive through,


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