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Re: Re: talkin' about jesus ...

So we talk about Moulin Rouge and French toast? Yeah. We do. For a day, 
maybe three. The theological discussions about Christ, the Bible, and 
Christianity have been CONSTANT, for MONTHS and usually have NOTHING TO 
DO WITH OVER THE RHINE. Even threads that start out having nothing to do 
with religion eventually get dragged there by someone before too long.

Let's face it, folks: discussing Christ is not discussing what you're 
going to have for dinner. It's hard to have a nice, easy-going discussion 
list when at least a third of the posts, on average, have something to do 
with debating Bible passages or someone's personal relationship with 
Jesus or something along those lines. That's fine-- but why is it 
continually discussed HERE? Ignore it? It's like trying to ignore an 
elephant sitting on your butt. And I think that, to many people on this 
list, is the point. It feels very much like a subtle kind of 
evangelising, and it's annoying as hell.

The haiku thing? Something creative and light and fun everyone could get 
into. But the Christ discussion thing? Not light, and according to one 
lostee, unless you're a Christian, you shouldn't have opinions on 
theology and/or voice them publically. In addition to which, Christian 
theology discussions, aside from having no place on an Over the Rhine 
discussion list, are generally something of interest only to those 
directly involved with them.

I appreciate everyone's desire to explore things that matter to them. 
More power to you if discussing Jesus brings you closer somehow to your 
religion. And certainly it's natural for the topic to come up once in a 
while on the list for a band that plays Cornerstone. But this really 
isn't the place for non-stop, in-depth Bible-thumping.

As a personal note, I was raised that someone's religion is an intensely 
personal thing, and that it's rude to discuss it in front of other people 
without their consent and/or involvement. In other words, to some of us, 
this list has been, for the last few months, like being continually 
slapped in the face with someone else's underwear. And while there are 
many people who like and even pay for that kind of thing, I'm not one of 
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