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Re: karin, poles, trilogies, and machines

Matt wrote:
> this notion that Christians have no right to judge is silly when 
> the Bible clearly lays out a set of standards by which we are 
> instructed (hence the term "bible") to hold ourselves and others to. 

Two questions: First, what, then, do "judge not, lest you yourself
be judges", "let him who is without sin cast the first stone",
and all the instances where Jesus commanded forgiveness mean to
you?  That's a serious question.  It seems to me that if the 
Christian life means to follow Jesus, he didn't leave his followers
any room to be judgemental.  Second, why do you say "hence the
term 'bible'"?  bible comes from the Greek "biblios", which
simply means "book".  I don't see why one would say "hence" in
this context.

Thanks in advance for clarification,
Don Smith                    Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
donaldas at umich_edu                          http://xte.mit.edu/~dasmith/

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