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Re: to the powers that be... orson welles lives on?

--- Steve Guiles <sguiles at hotmail_com> wrote:
> I just watched Citizen Kane last night for the first
> time. 

That's funny.  I called in sick to day and actually
thought about pulling out my copy of Citizen Kane and
watching it again.  Instead I watched Down In the
Delta on HBO.

 I did get that 
> it was the sled...I've always heard about it, just
> never seen it for myself. 

That's good. It's kinda hard to miss.

>   It was actually a very good movie...except for his
> singer girlfriend.  She 
> bugs.  Did anyone else have that same reaction?  I
> had to turn down the TV 
> when she started whining because it was so piercing
> in contrast with all the 
> other performances in the film...

That's the point.  Did you catch the scene where she
was singing on stage and Welles had the photographer
linger on a very odd place on the stage curtain.  The
whole point being that your eyes had nothing to latch
their attention onto so your ears were forced to
listen to her screeching.  Brilliant.

> art/movie critic Citizen Steve

You call yourself a movie critic and you've just seen
Citizen Kane for the first time?  ;)


"Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy that sustained him during temporary periods of joy."
                               -- W.B. Yeats

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