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RE: god is dead and other such nonsense

> i saw a FAB t-shirt one time that said:
> "god is dead" - nietzsche
> "nietzsche is dead" - god
> gotta' love that one. :o)
At least they wrote Nietzsche right here. When I was in the US last year a
friend who works for a Christian book store gave some CDs to me he couldn't
use any more. There was one that had a song about Nietzsche and this quote
in it only that they wrote Nietche or something like this. I think this is
I think he was a good thinker though he had some faults in his thinking. But
most people don't really get what he was saying anyway and are just hearing
"God is dead" without ever reading the story and either love him or hate him
just for this quote.
I did my oral examination (?) test in "religion" on him and Feuerbach and it
was very interesting, especially cause we had a very good teacher.
Well, gotta run...


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