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god is dead and other such nonsense (was Re:Conservation hypocrites)

- --- nrg_ boy <nrg_boy2001 at hotmail_com> wrote:
> I can't agree with that.  Nobody taught me that "God
> was Dead," or that there was survival of the fittest.  

I'm currently finishing up my senior year of high school, thank
goodness (20ish days to go).  Fortunately, I've technically been
out for the past two years, spending most of my time with higher
thinks from college.  Anyway, one of the major focuses in my
psychology course (which I don't agree on most points) is mans
cognitive, emotional, and social development as a result of evolution.
They put together absurd theories such as guys are attracted to
good looking women because it used to indicate reproductive
potential, something vital to the survival of our ancestors.  Yeah,
Then of course my entire English class has spent nearly half the
year studying existential novels that basically say god is dead,
therefore live for yourself.  I recently finished my research paper
on Friedrich Nietzsche (by my choice, for the purpose of tearing his
arguments apart) who really started that concept going.  Ironically,
my English teacher knows absolutely nothing about Nietzsche, yet
he is still hacks his way through these concepts and teaches kids
to be self-centered jerks.  It's fun.  When the day comes, if you can,
homeschool your children.  Believe me, public schools have really
gone down the tube.  - Tom

I had a terrible education. I attended a school 
for emotionally disturbed teachers. - Woody Allen
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