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ummmm, some thoughts on cohesiveness...

i "got in" on the demo for TWHF and i love GDBD.  i fail to see a link 
between the 2 things.

i have loved all otr 's stuff some of it more than others.  but i would 
think these lists that we are making are a mix of what we personally LIKE 
and what we consider to be excellent.  (the 2 are very  different and often 
difficult to separate.  i wonder if i have ever truly made an accurate 
ie Karin and Lindford would never pretend to be the best musicians on the 
planet but their projects have many other aspects that would list their 
pieces under some sort of title of "excellence".

why would we dismiss an entry on someones "best" list on a single criteria?  
why would we dismiss anything on a single criteria?   creative things are 
usually elusive as hell.

GDBD has alot of the texture (and i don't mean layers) of TWHF.
GDBD survives on it's own merits.  their are alot of cohesive art/creations 
out there that are shit and alot of incohesive things that are otherwise 
beautifully crafted.   if excellence always included a standardized 
cohesiveness it would be hollywood on a good day.

for some, cohesiveness is a deciding factor; for others based on specific 
contexts/ variables and/or definitions, it is not.    i suppose it shows a 
certain kind of discipline to hold onto something as important as "the 
cohesiveness of a work", but  i'd first need to know how the word was 
defined within the specifics of a context and whether or not the 
disagreement was actually about something else or.....blah blah 
blah......(are we talking chord structures/ progessions,  instrumentation,  
tempo,   vocal treatments,  production,  engineering,  genres or the 
ephemeral things we can't get our minds around?     i think GDBD is much 
more cohesive, in some areas, than say, EVE but it has very different 
aspects of cohesion.

ummmm whatever, the horse is probably dead.


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