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Re: Gay Jesus Moth

Way back in the day, I <b_lachey at hotmail_com> posted:

>>>There's a certain shirt put out by the awful band "Cradle of Filth"
>>>that I believe to be one of the most offensive shirts ever created,
>>>yet I laughed out loud for minutes after seeing it in public the
>>>first time.

then Scott Ulrich <ulrichsd at hotmail_com> thoughtfully queried:

>>So what about the shirt is *sooo* funny?  You can't just leave
>>everyone in the dark...

and Daniel J Temmesfeld <dtemm at yahoo_com> added:

>Cradle of Filth is quite a laughable band
>anyway.  *every* poster and/or tshirt has some
>sort of topless girl on it with some sort of
>corpse as well... they're a silly band, makes
>me laugh.
>that tshirt in question was pretty intensely
>offensive.  you would think that the theatre
>would have made the guy leave.  i can't imagine
>many people in population in the united states
>would find that to be a good shirt to wear in
>public under any circumstances.

me again:

Scott, it wasn't funny per se.  But it did make me laugh.  Odd situations, 
goofy things make me laugh.  As Dan wrote, it is a pretty intensely 
offensive shirt.  Suffice it to say that even with all the gross-out humor 
and on-the-edge stuff going on lately, this item will stand a good 10 years 
as being one of the more offensive shirts ever printed...  So although it 
was "OK for me", I can't in my right mind print the shirts offenses in this 

When I first saw it (in a UC-area Pub), after the laughing subsided, my 
friend and I excitedly went to Cody's internet cafe to find out how we could 
have our own shirt.  Turns out their e-commerce site was pretty poor, and 
when we emailed them to get info, a response was given with a computer 
virus.  That pissed me off enough not to continue my folly; I figured 
someone above was giving me a sign.

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