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Monday morning wrap-up

Well...here we are.

I don't mean to be so sluggish on this but I haven't
been able to check my email since Saturday morning.  I
came to work this morning to find 64 emails in my
inbox!  I think we should all take a deep breath and
chill...  Being the one who started the whole
"gay/Jesus" thing (wasn't there a very controversial
play about that?) I feel I should visit it one more
time, respond, and (hopefully) wrap it all up.  
First of all, to be perfectly honest, the whole thing
really sort of hacked me off.  I'm not really sure I
deserved all the lambasting I got.  But that's neither
here nor there.  So I'm a little chipped off - I can
deal with that.  The point is, I read some interesting
responses and shall try to take them to heart.  Thanks
to all for caring enough to share (some pretty
I think what probably bothers me most is the the idea
that I would be seen as some stupid, insensitive jerk.
 I'm not.  I'm a pretty nice guy and I'm pretty
intelligent.  (At least according to my Mom.)  I would
just hope that those of you who have been around for a
while would know enough about me to realize that,
despite my ability to ruffle feathers from time to
time, that I am not one who typically offends nor
wants to.  On the contrary, I'm typically little Mr.
Nonetheless, for all who were offended and for all who
were just annoyed, I'm sorry.  I'm sorry I offended. 
I'm sorry if I was overly defensive.  I'm sorry for
taking up so much valuable space that could be used
for our favorite Christianity in the arts debate.
Let's all go back to being civil and I shall try to

Fred - If you ever write a book, a series of essays,
or a regular column in a magazine or journal please
let me know.  I will buy it, read it, and force it on
all my friends.  You're brilliant.

Just a thought...


"Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy that sustained him during temporary periods of joy."
                               -- W.B. Yeats

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