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Re: U2

Well, I discovered OtR many moons ago when they ran a review for "Patience" 
in CCM.  Brian Quincy Newcomb was the author, if memory serves.
CCM tries to cover the indie scene as much as they feel they can afford to, 
just like any other mainstream music mag.  Their being "overly" conservative 
is a direct result of their target market. Still, they once ran an article 
debating the sexual imagery in that "love cocoon" song by VoL, which 
suggests an open mindedness greater than the most zealous of "conservative" 
Christians.  Also, I think people involved in the arts tend to be slightly 
more liberal than those involved in "regular" ministry, and this includes 
those involved in the retail and media facets of the arts, in addition to 
the actual artists.  I guess they don't call 'em "liberal" arts for nothing!

>From: "Lara Conrad" <laraaustin at yahoo_com>
> > Oh yeah, while I was waiting to buy some things at the Asbury Bookstore, 
> > flipped through the new CCM to kill some time and saw a brief paragraph
> > OTR and Films for Radio. I can't recall ever seeing them in the magazine
> > before.
>When GDBD first came out ~ was that late 1995 or early 1996 or something ~
>the album was reviewed in CCM magazine. I can't remember what was said, but
>I recall being a bit surprised. From my experience and at that time, CCM
>tended to be overly conservative (in my opinion) and I was perplexed at
>their inclusion of a band whose most recent album before GDBD had one of
>those dreaded and hell-condemning four-letter words in it.  (And I don't
>mean 'slut.')

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