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Re: Music

In a message dated Sun, 6 May 2001  1:29:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Thurman Allen II <microserf88 at yahoo_com> writes:

> So I have another question. Everyone's saying how 
> much the new album surprises them, for good or ill 
> What surprises people the most? 

for me, the biggest surprise was some of the songs i
was sure linford had written were actually written by
karin.  just kind of caught me off guard because i
thought they each had a fairly distinctive writing
style.  so are they rubbing off on each other?  or is
one influencing the other more?

or maybe i'm just imagining it all.



I'd never really noticed a schism before. I mean, with Indigo Girls, you really know which is an Amy song and which is an Emily song. But with OtR, I'd never consciously said, "This's gotta be a Karin creation." Which ones surprised you?
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