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Re: Saturday morning rant

From out of the cloister,

>From: Ysobelle at aol_com
>Well, mainly cos most four-letter words are curses, whereas others are
>racial/social slurs, meant to denigrate and insult those of a specific
>group. A group of which a few folks around here happen to be members.

And there aren't a few Christians around here?

Of course misusing the name Jesus is not a personal slur, just a total 
disregard for all that a given person holds dear and sacred to the extent 
that it informs his/her worldview and shapes his/her personality to the 
point of assimilating it.

Homosexuality DOES these things as well for those that practice it.  It can 
be argued that sex is the new religion.  It sure seems to be the "opiate of 
the masses" these days.  Anyway, the casual use of the word "gay" and the 
name Jesus CAN, in fact, be equally offensive to different people for 
essentially the same reasons.
>There's a website out there extolling the past glories of the swastika.
>While yeah, that's fine and I understand from whence they're coming with
>the concept, unless someone can somehow erase its more recent history as
>a symbol of genocide, destruction, forced labor, murder, racism,
>violence, and all that happy jazz, well, folks are just gonna have to
>live with a whole lot of people being kinda...touchy about it.
>Knowing what a word, symbol or phrase used to mean doesn't mean you can
>use it without the rest of the world attaching to it those things it's
>come to mean in general parlance.
>I don't know about parlance, but here's something I'm reminded of.  The 
>Dark Horse comic book translation of the Japanese manga "Blade of the 
>Immortal" features swastikas on numerous pages.  As a result, they have to 
>run a disclaimer in every single issue that states the swastika did not 
>have any anti-semitic connotations during the time in which the story is 
>set- fuedal Japan.  What's really telling here is also the fact that Japan 
>was totally isolationist during this era, and could have never been 
>infected with Nazi ideas even if they did exist at that time, which they of 
>course didn't.  To have to run this disclaimer makes me wonder.  Are we too 
>stupid as a culture?  Are we too touchy?  Perhaps we are becoming more 
>sensitive to the concerns of others in these United States, but I think it 
>just plain fear of lawsuits.

I guess we should all watch our mouths,


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