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Saturday morning rant

Great scobbitygoshkins!  Pardon me for using a simple
little word because it's politically incorrect to use
that word unless you belong to a particular small
subculture which I don't when the word actually
originally only meant stinking happy!  I'll never do
it again!

I just have this nagging question in my tired little
brain.  Why is it okay for others to make common use
of words and phrases that they know might be offensive
to some (F***, God and Jesus tossed around like last
weeks cabbage, yourmothersac*nt,...) but my using the
word "gay" one time gets me reprimanded.  Don't
misunderstand me, I will definitely not use that word
again if it's offensive to some.  But will others be
so careful?

Watching my mouth...


"Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy that sustained him during temporary periods of joy."
                               -- W.B. Yeats

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