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Re: Goodness gracious

>> Mostly regressed, if you ask me.  And not in a good way.
>I think you might get a fair amount of agreement that "Goodbye" has indeed 

Yeah.  The faux ending that they used to do live gave it power.  The intensity seems gone from this version, and it comes across as watered down.

>I see the evolution of "Little Blue River" as more of a lateral 
>movement than either a progression or regression.  It's certainly changed 
>from what it used to be, but I think the FFR version can't stand on it's own. 

Well, I was never a huge fan of 'Little Blue River' to begin with.  It's a cute little song, but I never had the orgasmic revelations every time they played it like Bruce or Toast do. 

In fact, the only concert-related orgasmic revelation I can recall having was the Yes show in '97 when they played 'And You And I', and Steve Howe started the pedal steel part of the second movement...

But that's neither here nor there.

> My primary problem with the current incarnations of these 2 songs however is 
>that neither of them seems to fit stylistically with the rest of the album.

That's a problem that extends beyond these two songs.  More below.

>Speaking of FFR...  Mr. Emery has yet to regale us with his opinion of the 
>disc (excepting the mini-review of "Goodbye" and "Little Blue River" above).  
>As you were one of the more vocal critics of OtR's post-"Eve" sound, Chris, 
>I'm curious as to your thoughts on FFR given that it's not exactly GDBD, part 2.

Well, I'm not prepared to give a full review, since I've only listened to it twice through.  Neither of those listens grabbed me enough to make me want to put it into heavy rotation.   It strikes me as a strange conglomeration/mishmash of songs with no continuity at all.  It doesn't flow.  My opinions on thematic and musical flow are well documented, of course.  There's new songs, 3 year old songs, 5 year old songs, and of course nearly 10 year old songs, and they all kinda feel thrown together.  The whole thing feels disjointed.   There are some nice moments as well.  I like the Dido cover, and I like the Stairway of Skin song.  On the whole, the trip-hoppy sounding songs are really pretty good, and the others (Fairpoint Diary, etc) are merely forgettable, and make me go "bleh" and reach for the skip button.  But, as Steve points out, it's *not* GDBD, Part II.  They're trying different things, and that's always good, whether successful or not.  

It's not my cup o'tea, but then again, I'm hardly their ideal target demographic.  Hell, some of *my* favorite albums have names like 'The Joy Of Molybdenum' and 'Tales From Topographic Oceans'.



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