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Re: Re: really obscure question

--- Bob the dancing monkey <djohnson at snowplow_org>
> Blucher (from imdb.com) and derivatives has no
> German translation,
> according to babelfish and a german dictionary I
> found.
> From the Gene Wilder script:
> Welcome!  I am Frau Blucher.
> <At the sound of her name, horses rear>
> The rest of the script just seems to support the
> idea that Frau Blucher
> simply scares the hell out of the horses.

yeah, i got my student self into this tonight with my
dictionaries and extremely little success in playing
with things euphonic.  considering i have actually
passed (and HIGH passed, at that), a german language
translation equivalency in a grad program, my german
is absolutely ATROCIOUS. 

however, i take the spirit of that most beautiful film
now: is there anything in the language indicating the
homophone (or word) "fraub" means anything?  as i
remember it, they pronounced it "frawb looker" instead
of the 'proper' "frau blucher."  am i going mad??  or
is it just one of the most beautiful movies ever made?

regardless, the horses' "neighs" are "foreshadowing,"
yes?  of imminent plot turns and doom, and, oh well, i
guess i'll just stop now.



"Shishnarfe and enfranshish are but two stages of
vodka"  - Andrei Bely


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