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Re: Vigilantes

 Rick Callender <binkmeisterrick at yahoo_com> writes:
> --- brian warren <bhwarren at yahoo_com> wrote:
> > Speaking of poetry and desparate times,
> > I noticed jen's signature, any other VOL fans out
> > there?
> affirmative. i was even lucky enough to open for them
> in kent, ohio, a while back! anyone here remember
> that?

I remember.  That was the night that we all went out to Cornerstone (the
bar, not the music fest!) with them, right? Or was that a different time
that you were there? I remember Bill bought me a coke, because I was not
yet 21.  THat made my night.  :-)
Who all was there?  I think I remember rick (of coarse), me, DM (fan
boy), the Wookie, Raven (maybe? I'm not sure on that one), Jeff and Becca
from Akron were there too, weren't they?  JG, and Monica,
Was that the night that Kyle and Chris were up, and someone (Kyle I
think) was trying to throw sugar packets into my shirt?

THat whole 4-5 month stretch all blends in together now into one big
happy memory.  I miss that.  we need to start getting together more
peoples!  Come to Kent, I have plenty of crash space !


bought a one way trip to nowhere
on a ship called "lost at sea"
it was there I found my courage...
she was sleeping next to me.
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