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And miles to go . . .

Please erase first contact email - sent in error!!!!

Okay, it is the tenth of April; my heart is reaching 

I can feel them here - this early arizona morning -
because I can hear all of their songs fill my head.
It's raining here in the desert - strange for this
time of year (since it only rains forty days out of
the year, here!) - but then again so is this event in
my life.

To PrestoKelvo:  Thank you!  It's good to have a
left-side brain comment anyday!

I am a true fan!  There is no doubt to that!  I can
fawn with the best and gush just like a school girl at
the mere mention of the noiton that anyone knows OtR!

For there is a reason - I have been without Over the
Rhine as a live act for nearly seven years - without
seeing them in present shape and form, playing the
songs I've loved.  Just a little back note: I moved to
AZ in 1994, a week before my last concert with Over
the Rhine at the Daily Double in Arkon, Ohio.  I did
buy "Eve" that same year after I settled into my new
surroundings, but after that Over the Rhine became
just like a secret group like the card game Euchre is
out here - No one except East Costers knows the card
game Euchre!!!  Why!?!?!  It's a great game!! Just
like Pinochle and Cribbage are great games!!!

Digression is par for the course.

Anyway, over this long drought of not seeing Karin and
Linford, my sights of them wavered.  It happened after
I recieved a copy of both "Good Dog, Bad Dog" with
"The Longest Night" copied on the other side of the
cassette tape.  This was in 1997, when I still had
concert posters of OtR hanging on my living walls  -
just to puzzle my new West Coast friends.  Once I got
the tape, I heard that the band had broken up - that
OtR was no more.

Since I was growing into, with every rising of the
Arizona desert sun, a West Coaster, my thoughts of
adulthood over shadowed OtR; i.e. everything OtR went
into a box that I put into my bedroom closet, marked
my college years.  I beleived that only I, here in the
Greater Metro of Pheonix, knew of the stories that
great Ohio band told.

Then, I stumbled upon this website  - out of sheer

Lo and Behold!  Over the Rhine is alive and they were
coming to my town!

Now how cool is that!!!!

And now, I am only hours away from ending my seven
year long period of what I could only term as exile -
I had left everything behind in Ohio when I came here
in 1994, and I have still yet to regret it, though my
dreams are still of the Ohio River - my subconciousnes
always reminds me of what I already know; it's good
like that!

I plan to report an all detailed correspondant of
events at Nita's Hideaway for all of the rest of you,
just 'cause we all what to know - that's why you're
still reading!

As for the rest of the mutual thinking minds out
there, I can only say that I very gratful to be able
to find, be with, and share such emotions with you

Later Gators!

Rama Zen I: The Prince Cybil of Thinking

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