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Re: suggestions, please...

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?  Philip K Dick 

Traveling with a Salmon and other essays, The Island of Yesterday -
Umberto Ecco

May-Day - not fiction, though - but good
Cryptonomicon - William Gibosn (anything by him if you like
Dune - Frank Herbert
Isaac Asimov's Robot books
A Case of Consience - James Blish
In Conquest Born - CS Friedman (the only other good book she wrote is This
Alien Shore)
um. Lord of the Rings.

A Dream of Wolves - i forget who wrote it - it's new. it's a kind of wierd
gut-wrenching exploration of who people are and how they deal with grief
and life in general.

> Ever find yourself really wanting to read something good but not
> knowing what it should be?  I'm there.  Any suggestions on good
> fiction.

yea, right now - i need some good book...

If you've done six impossible things before breakfast, why not round it off
with dinner at Milliway's, the restaurant at the end of the universe.

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