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delayed response to flys ass #2

In a message dated 3/25/01 2:43:04 AM Central Standard Time, 
kpeterson77598 at earthlink_net writes:

<<   Even though you may feel like the fly, your pastors and Bible study 
leaders may be as afraid of you as if you were a hive of bees--because you 
have made them think--and thinking can be a very scary thing.  Even if they 
swat you away from their rearends, you might be stinging their faces. >>

Yea, what Katheryn said!  I think one of the main reasons searching people 
get the sad replies they do to hard questions is that the answers are viewed 
as a threat to thier comfortable faith.  In another egroup I'm in the 
question was posed "what's wrong with the Christian *ghetto*"? Well, the 
question has been buzzing around in my head like that fly jillian mentioned. 
We've isolated ourselves so much from the world about us that, for all 
practical purposes, there no longer is a "Christian mind". Meaning a 
collective system of thought that is able to interact with the world at large 
rather than just talk to itself.  So, when questions invade that *ghetto* 
from the big bad world outside all there is to offer is the pat answers and 
buzz words that have been taught from within or harsh remarks made out of 
fear .  The "city on a hill" has become a walled in prison with a one way 
iron gate that let's people in but won't let them back out for fear of 
bringing back a plague of some sort.  There are a lot out there you know: 
Secularism, Humanism, Thinkism.


Beauty captivates the flesh in order to obtain permission to pass right to 
the soul
--Simone Weil
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