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Fake Chinese Rubber Plant

The subject has nothing to do with much.

Chris, dude...  Shopping can be an emotional rollercoaster for me too.  Firm 
tofu/soft tofu/triple curd tofu/half-caff tofu -- there's too many choices!! 
  As far as the Fake Plastic Trees go, as long as both of your eyes were 
pointed in the right direction, I think you're safe.

So...  I wonder what kind of play OtR is getting nationwide on those radio 
waves.  '94 had "Happy With Myself?" on a few stations pretty heavily; we 
saw them in Chicago at the Cubby Bear in support of that puppy, and the 
crowd was LOUD, LOUD, LOUD.  So maybe if GMS/FfR is becoming a hit, we can 
'look forward' to this more often.  It sounds like some of the reports 
already (Little Brothers).  The Bogarts audience was actually behaved for a 
change, but maybe that's the exception that makes the rule.  I hope not.

I used to do surgery,
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