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Re: i hate UPS

> On 3/19/01 6:13 PM, quoth the brilliant Rhys at shadow at teuton_org:

does your email automatically do this?

needing some brilliance these days...

i config'd one of mine at work to say 'from somewhere within the vicintiy
of rhys:'

> >
> >waking up with cockroaches crawling in your face and hair is not my idea
> >of a pleasant experience.

> I am literally stifling such blood-curdling screams I'm fairly sure
> you'd be able to hear them in Ohio. Please, for the love of all that's
> holy, MOVE. Or get a really sadistic cat.

normally i am not squeamish. at all. i skin animals thatve been hunted so
dad can cook us dinner, etc.  no big deal. i kill bugs. seen mice, don't
scream, etc.

but - i hate cockroaches. hate ;em. and i confess to being extremely
grossed out and freaked out at 3am, what a strange dream i was having
then, i woke to crawly things...  got up. shivered. eww.  shook out all my
covers. twice. checked for more nasties. took a shower.

i'm trying to get out of my lease. between that and a falling in bathroom
wall... and drug activity down the hall - it's been an education. came
home to an open door.

as to the cat... might borrow my boyfriend's funny cats for a day or
so... it'd be fun.

california moved to fortwayne- rolling blackouts struck today. 'twas
interesting. had a script, ran it last night, crashed the server. (:
oopes. so i hit 'ok' today and the power goes out! (: oops.

wasn't me,

If you've done six impossible things before breakfast, why not round it off
with dinner at Milliway's, the restaurant at the end of the universe.

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