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Bang, bang! I got mine!

Out of 2000... I'm number 11 baby!

As if that's not cool enough in and of itself... those of you who know me,
know how highly I regard the number 11.


PS-  I was a sceptic... not because of the comercial label, but because I
haven't liked the new stuff that they've played in concert as much as the
older stuff.  I'm sorry for my lack of faith, I would like to begin my
repentance now by noting the following:

It's sooooo much better than I thought it would be.  The mixing is briliant!
This is a very strong album.  It flows, it sounds good, Karin is marvelous.
Rock on.

(This PS is longer than the S... I'm out.)

"Goodness alone is never enough.  A hard, cold wisdom is required for
goodness to accomplish good.  Goodness without wisdom always accomplishes

Micheal Valentine Smith, "Stranger in a Strange Land"
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