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Religion/Afghan Buddhas

Good point.  Which brings me to a completely unrelated topic:  Did anyone 
read/see about those Buddha statues in Afghanistan that were being destroyed 
by the fundamentalist government there yesterday?  The statues were carved 
in mountainsides some 1700 years ago.  It's crazy.  By no means whatsoever 
am I the most religious or peaceful person in any given 10ft radius, but it 
seems like another example of humanity stepping backwards...


(And I think Ric was the Shintoist.  Those references were wiped clean with 
their subsequent releases...)

I'm just losing my grip,

----Original Message Follows----
From: Bob the dancing monkey <djohnson at snowplow_org>
To: Bruce Lachey <b_lachey at hotmail_com>
Subject: Re: Radio Broadcast on 97x
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 14:33:09 -0600 (CST)

Bruce, for goodness' sake!  It's obvious from their newest album that
Linford is a closet Shintoist.  If the neo-Confucian lyrics off of  Eve
didn't clue you into that, then...well...there's nothing I can do...

-Drew J

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