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Welp, we're drunk off our ass again

At least Dan is.  The pear cider did something funny to him.  At least he 
already had his drug test and is probably headed safely to Cincinnati for 
his job...  Megan is resplendent in red, akin to Karin on the FFR cover...  
We just took a look at the art for the book and it seems kinda groovy...

(here's megan typing now)

i'm so glad bruce finally let me touch the keyboard...he hogs it so...

anyway, someone was talking about bink earlier...but i forget what that was 
all about...must be the lemon in the water...or the blue mike-and-ike's...

i think the best part about the new art is the fact that linford now looks 
so stinkin'...well, let's be honest.  he's hot.  i know, i know, he always 
has been...but there's a new look in his eye...there's just something about 
a man in leather.

(danny boy)

i would've spelled that "groovie."

megan isn't even here.  bruce thinks linford's hot.  redrum.


I can't wait to hear the new album now.  It's gonna kick ass probably.  Just 
a guess.  I have no inside information.  none whatsoever.

"I Radio Heaven" I reckon is the only song we all haven't heard, eh?  I bet 
it will sound like Culture Club.  Call it a hunch.

Bruce, Ms. Linton, Daniel James Temmesfeld.

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