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weird flashback


This is weird.  Eric reminded me that I'd been on the list back when it started
(I did take a break for several years, so I don't know if I can really claim to
be one of the Old Ones.  Some people have stuck with it the whole time, like
Bruce or Shannon; I bow to their antiquity.  Tee hee.), and I poked back into
the archives to see what we were talking about back then.  To my surprise, in
the midst of a discussion of what songs by other people we might like to hear
the band cover, I found I had written: "I wouldn't mind hearing them do Cole
Porter's "Summertime", either."  By the time they started playing it, I had
forgotten I'd written this; I wonder if I gave them the idea.  Naaah.  Probably
just a coincidence.  Still, kind of startling.

Anyone else ever go back and look at those archives?  It's kind of
embarrassing, after five years, to see what we were getting all upset and
bothered about.  :-) At least people seem to be able to discuss religion
civilly now.  :-) I read a few things I wrote, and it's almost like someone
else wrote them.  Almost, but not quite.  Odd feeling, a little like deja vu.

Back to work...
Don Smith                    Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
dasmith at rotse2_physics.lsa.umich.edu        http://xte.mit.edu/~dasmith/

"The art of filmmaking is the art of regret."                 -- Ang Lee
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