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RE: Don Peris

Title: RE: Don Peris
Don & Karen are both so wonderful in their artistry. I've not heard "Ten Silver Slide Trombones" yet. But I'm certain it perpetuates the thread they've been weaving.
As to the public consumption comment, you shouldn't be able to argue with the official website. That said, I was with a "certain" bassist for three hours last night.
He told me they have NOT started recording anything. I take that back........"He" has not laid down any of his tracks. Nor do they even have a drummer. Or a label.
(Which to me is a bit "bass ackwards", knowing that typically bass & drums are the foundation that is built upon. BUT - Don & Karen are expecting another child VERY soon. And if they've recorded anything already.......it's just the two of them. Who am I to argue with their approach?) Everything they are doing, they're doing by themselves in their own studio.
PS: I have IM's original, "Tending the Rose Garden" EP on vinyl. Signed by all four members. I've known them that long. How much do you think it's worth? 
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason and Jennifer Burton [mailto:jandjburt at prodigy_net]
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 10:38 PM
To: Over The Rhine
Subject: RE: Don Peris

All the info Bill mentioned is available for public consumption at the IMs official website - www.theinnocencemission.com . My copy of the Don Peris CD arrived yesterday and it is wonderful! Very very mellow and sparse. It's definitely Don's signature guitar work (I keep expecting Karen's voice to come in after the intros!) and lyrically similar, though even sparser in that area...

The Single Collector
Hard to find CD Singles, Promos, Imports, and Vinyl