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Re: dido / eminem

i think it was Kelvin:

>Y'know, I saw [DIDO's] video on VH1 and was
interested in
>checking her out until I heard her speak the praises
>of Eminem.  Credibility...out the window!

first of all, Dr. Dre and Eminem sampled her song on
Em's new album virtually introducing her beautiful
voice to millions of Americans who otherwise never 
may have heard it.  perhaps she was a tad grateful. 
or maybe she happens to be a fan of hip-hop, something
you obviously aren't.  you're not one of those people
who still insist rap is a passing fad and won't be
around in a few years are you?  regardless of his
sensitivity, responsibility, etc., you can't deny the
genius of Eminem as a breakthrough hip-hop artist.  i
fail to see how being a fan of his should destroy
someone else's credibility.


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