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Re: hey you & 6th sense

Marie says: 

>.  i think the sooner people stop revering
>other people so much, the sooner they'll be able to
>worship god.

well said.

i would add that there just might be non-believers out
there (or even "young-in-faith") who, upon hearing or
reading the f-word from a self-proclaimed Christian,
would be relieved or even encouraged, "wow, here's a
person who speaks my language, who doesn't seem to
think himself better but who obviously believes in
in other words, there *is* a responsibility but i
think it's more to ourselves and to God.  if our
responsibility is to not offend anyone's idea of what
a Christian should act like, we'd pretty much be
relegated to staying at home and reading the Bible 16
hours a day.  and i'm not promoting being "worldly" or
secular for the purpose of making Christianity more
attractive to people who are worldly and secular,
don't misunderstand me.  i'm only saying we should be
real and honest about who we are.  about what we feel,
what we like, what seems right or good or fitting to
us.  and then, when (hopefully)other people see that
sincerity of our life and inquire, our responsibility
becomes only to point everything back to God.

And btw... I think it was Bruce who put "Sixth Sense"
into the movie/economic category.  I have to disagree.
 I was compelled to see this film a second time at the
theater which rarely happens for me.  it's an
engaging, crafty story.  beautifully shot and
exceptionally acted.  i'm very curious as to what
Bruce doesn't like about it.


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