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Re: Poem

kevin gives excellent reasons for his opinions and

>   While it's refreshing to NOT hear that here I must
> say,  *personally* I 
> wasn't too thrilled with it and YES it does have
> something to do with the use 
> of the word *fuck*.

i think jane was talking about the poem before this
one...right, jane?  but, as luck would have it, this
one ruffles some of the same britches :)

i liked it a lot, actually.  poets can break the rules
b/c they know them so well...ingenuity, progress,
change, language evolution.  i think it's great.

i know what you mean but the baggage...although
language may be arbitrary, the social meanings
attached are not :)  but then again, there is that
whole euphemism/dysphemism thing.  basically what
happens is that the word used to signify something
taboo eventually falls out of favor, hence we bring in
another word, the wirty dord instead of the dirty
word.  that word eventually comes to mean the full
social understanding of the taboo "real world entity"
and then _it_ falls out of favor too.  we just keep
replacing with other words.

so i say use that four letter "fuck" word.  push some
buttons, make fun of our predisposition to believe
what the world creates as meaning (and ourselves as
part of that world).  our association with it reminds
me of this lady who will not permit "shut up" in her
presence...this phrase it "bad."  but what if her
lovely husband said, "shut up and kiss me"?  what then

context.  i know kevin understands what i'm talking
about here and was still not keen on it.  since i'm
always championing this shaking-up of things, i just
love it :)  and i agree with kevin about the beautiful
> too.  The word f**k has a hell of a lot of baggage
> attached to it.

and now it has something rather nice attached to
it...or at least we're reminded of that nice thing.

> redeem it.  Maybe I'm wrong but I'm not sure that
> that's possible.

i don't think it'll be redeemed...it'll just find more
company later in the list of words you cannot, must
not, will not use...whoa to the dysphemized.

>  So, my comment as a Christian who like the arts: 
> Kudos' Linford on the content, but, a little trouble
> with the linking of form 
> with it.

i don't know that the content wasn't so much the
loving relationship singled out b/w a man and his wife
but rather that relationship coupled with the silly
ways in which we see ourselves and our lovers in the
possible light of what our creator might see.

hasta luego,
j. marie

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