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Re: Leigh, la nerviosa

--- "J. Marie Hall" <fionaeval at yahoo_com> wrote:

> > she seemed nervous compared to the other times
> > that i'd seen her.
> ...which seems logical considering she was playing
> before and even with her favorite musical influence.

i can understand that completely. when i was so
blessed to be able to open for VoL (Bill Mallonee
happens to be one of my ultimate lyrical heroes) i was
quite nervous. i kept having this conversation in my
head as i performed:

"Don't look at Bill... if you look at him, you'll mess
up... don't look at Bill.... Look, there's

i was laughing at myself because of the absurdity of
it (especially each time i made eye contact with him)
because i knew it was all in my head. in fact, i did
fine. he even gave me a genuine compliment about my
songwriting (which is worth more than any amount of
gold... maybe that *was* the gold...).

after doing so once, i could open for him again with
no problem whatsoever. maybe that's what Leigh
needs... bext time she sings for OtR, she'll be just

> maria, maria (that's _j._ maria if you're nasty...)

bink, bink (that's... well, just plain ol' bink, i guess...)

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