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December Nights

Schoolboys in Winter

The schoolboys still their morning ramble take
To neighboring village school with playing speed,
Loitering with passtime's leisure till they quake,
Oft looking up the wild-geese droves to heed,
Watching the letters which their journeys make;
Or plucking haws on which their fieldfares feed,
And hips and sloes; and on each shallow lake
Making glib slides, where they like shadows go
Till some fresh passtimes in their minds awake.
Then off they start anew and hasty blow
Their numbed and clumpsing fingers till they glow;
Then races with their shadows wildly run
That stride huge giants o'er the shining snow
In the pale splendour of the winter sun.

-John Clare

Come on in out of the cold...I'll put the hot chocolate on.  The first five
listies to e-mail me back (singletonb at nku_edu) will be invited to a studio
performance by Over the Rhine, Tuesday Evening, December 5 at 89.7 WNKU.
(at our top secret hideout in the greater Cincinnati area).  Include your
name and phone number in the e-mail.

And each of the Five can bring a friend...but choose carefully!  (You could
even make 'em bake some brownies to bring to the show and share)

I'll let you know via e-mail if you are one of the lucky few and provide
directions and details...if you haven't heard from me by Monday, December
4...well...you can still catch the band Saturday Night, December 9 at the
Taft Theatre (with special guests Ron Sexsmith and Sixpence None the
Richer...as if you didn't know)

Bon Chance and maybe I'll be seeing you soon!

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