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RE: My opinion

> If you want to go there keep in mind that in Missouri the
> polls were left
> open for Democrats for an extra hour or so. So let's not go
> off saying a
> bunch of rumors.

so they blocked all the republican for the last hour?? i don't think so.
plus the decision was reversed by a higher court judge, so i am not sure how
much later it was open til.

>I am sorry, but this is crazy. And
> minorities are smart
> enough to know the voting times and I know several
> 'minorities' and they do
> pretty darn good at getting what they want.

once again, my point wasn't about the "minorities not smart enough to be
there on time, my point is about quasi-official interferrence that should
have never happened.  are they rumors?? no one knows yet, that why i said
reports not it actually happened.  but its interesting how you interpreted
my comments...like a rorschach test perhaps?? :)

> with the minorities anyway. :-)   They don't have seperate places for
> minorities and majorities any more.

that's what they like you to think :)  unfortunately, in a lot of places,
segregation is not by law but by residency requirements/voting districts.
so don't tell me implicit segregation is not part of american society.

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