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Re: My opinion

> > This isn't an opinion poll. This is the Presidential election. Everyone
> > has the constitutional right to be heard correctly. How can we say the
> > election was fair if thousands of people made a mistake they couldn't
> > correct?
> Ok, if you make a mistake on your ballot you can take it out, get a new
> one and destroy the other one.

there were reports of minorities being told that the polls were closed or
ballots ran out.  even reports of florida state troopers interefering with
certain people from getting to the polls according to racial profiles.  we
have a much deeper controversy here than merely having a confusing ballot.
we are talking about possible tempering and obstruction of sufferage rights
here.  this thing could be tied up in courts for awhile, and who is to say
the electoral college is going to vote with their state??  only 20 some
state's electoral colleges are bound by law to vote with the state popular
vote.  the rest can vote every which way they see fit, and with such a
evenly divided national popular vote, who can say which they will go?

i am all about reform in the voting/campaign system.  federally supported
and only federally supported campaign funding, standardized  voting
system/ballots nation wide.  and everyone should watch the movie Bulworth,
some of the social statements are very enlightening, especially considering
some of the statements Nader made and current social issues.

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