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Re: Christian Crap

Hello everyone,

Since this is the first time I get involved in the list let me introduce
myself. (If you like you can skip this paragraph and jump to the next one).
My name is Asbjorn Hollerud and I'm currently studying Art and Graphic
Design at Northwestern College, Minnesota. I'm originally from Norway but
I've lived 11 of my 24 years in Japan and three years in the states. The art
mediums I'm involved in includes printmaking, photography and sculpture.
I first got introduced to the music of Over the Rhine at Cornerstone 97. I
shot some pictures of OtR at this year's Cornerstone which can be found on
the web site. Ok enough of introduction :-)

It's interesting to discuss Christian art and how it has changed so much.
While it used to be the driving force in the western art community, today
the force seems to be a very postmodern one. It's a very general statement
but I think there is thruth to it.

As a Christian art student I've noticed that many Christians tend to like
realistic uplifting images. Personally I tend to go more abstract and my
images are definetly not always happy. I believe God gave us creativity in
order to express ourselves and not to copy everyone else. An exellent
example of a Christian artist is George Rouvalt. His images describe well
the darkness and the hope we have in God. I also do believe that the ability
to make things different looking than the creation itself is the result of
this God given creativity. One of my favorite artists is Edvard Munch who is
mostly known for his scream painting (Please look at other paintings as
well.... Many of them are far more interesting :-) What I like the most
about Edvard's art, which is typical for many artists, is that he uses art
to deal with his own personal problems rather than going to a shrink!

As for my interest in music I tend to look for artists who deal with their
own experiences and who have a real passion for music. Over the Rhine is a
good example of somebody who makes music out of these criterias!

Finally before I let you close this way too long message. Let me recommend
one of the best Japanese movies ever made. It's called "Hanabi" (I believe
it's titled "Fireworks"). It's directed by Takeshi Kitano and it won a prize
in Cannes two years ago. The movie can be found in the foreign section of
most video stores. Satisfaction Garanteed!

Well I better go to school now :-)


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