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Re: new mp3

--- Andrew Vogel <vogelap at email_uc.edu> wrote:
> It's odd to have a REMIX of a song that has
> never been RELEASED. How do we know what is the

> REMIX part?!!?
I felt the same way. Of course, I also felt what
a generous, GENEROUS band OtR is for having this
little "Mp3 of the Month" promotion. Especially
since they offer up so much music that is not
available anywhere else. 

I have it on good authority (my own) that OtR
Central has just received an album quality DAT
master of a live performance from two years ago.
I wonder if they'll see fit to share any of that
material with us in the near future.

Bradley S. Caviness, Bigwig
Bigwig Enterprises

"I've often wondered how someone could put a critique of music into words. And I've also wondered why there was no musical commentary on writing." 
- Dr. Peter Kreeft, author

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