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a taste of the tribute album on the web...

well, while browsing the OtR website (i was looking for a
version of "toledo" with vocals, to no avail) i found this:        

    Fans of Over the Rhine have been recording cover
    versions of the band's songs for a rumored upcoming
    compilation release. Brace yourself for all manner
    of musical mayhem. (Proceeds from the project are
    to be donated to charity.) Here is a version of
    "Murder" by Hypersomnia to whet your appetites...

    Murder ("Thou Shalt Not Commit Total Terror" mix)
    by Hypersomnia. [Edward Jay Harnish II, Christopher
    S. McLennan, and Lindsey (Godlove) Harnish.]

i'm trying to download it right now... but i imagine it'll
be fun. :)  maybe this'll get me the motivation i need to
finish my track.


np: michael kelsey - michael kelsey

+- Dan Temmesfeld - dantemm(at)erinet(dot)com -+
 _Galactic Cowboys  -  http://www.dlm.net/gc/ _
    wish i could whisper how much i need you
+- after tomorrow i might forget to  (kingsx) -+

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