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waiting for Guffman

thanks for the Guffman recommendations.  it was amusing,  but the ending
with the "action figures"   and the  "lunchboxes"  was scream out loud
hysterical.   i don't wanna give anything away,  it's just the
crazy --what's the word i'm looking for?----juxtaposition?   associations?
between the movies and the objects.     i gotta get my kid one of those
lunchboxes before he starts school.  Oh, won't he be the envy of his
classmates?   them with their ubiquitous X-Men  and Pokemon and Powerpuff
Girl lunchboxes  (hey, i love the ppg's!)  will be no match for my son and
his  {can't give it away}  lunchbox.  hahahaahaha.

absolutely hysterical.

um,  thanks, Dan,  so adios muchachos  and muchachas.

(muchacha's  actually makes sense in a way,  since when my New Mexican
nephews came here and they saw the Chi-Chi's restaurant chain they started
laughing out loud.  we didn't understand the source of amusement,  'til they
'splained it to us.  now i sort of see a connection.   don't i?)


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