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Re: peeeeekaboo...

hi bink,  all.

----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Callender <binkmeisterrick at yahoo_com>

> --- John Glassford <jglassford at neo_rr.com> wrote:

> > well,  seen
> > any good movies ever or
> > in your lifetime?
> yes.

oooops!   seems i wrote the redundant and therefore confusing "ever or in
your lifetime?"  instead of   what  i meant to write:   "~lately~  or in
your lifetime?".    however,  if you keep your answer as terse as  "yes"  i
suppose it really doesn't matter.

>...soggy Sugar
> > Smacks
> never had to find out. ask yz.

i did,  in  a roundabout way.

> > and just which
> > techy intern gets ~that~ repair job?
> yz.

yeah,  actually that's  prolly the truth of it.    seen the new Apple clear
thing?   this thing is ~so damn cool~ it makes me drool   (to steal a line:
hey, that rhymed!).     i have it on my desktop wallpaper.  db came in and
asked "isn't that sacriligious or something?"      that's a little too
strong.   it's more like the equivalent of the Ford stamping plant guy
driving to work in  a Cadillac.  anyway,  Ysoie, it's expensive,  so if you
upgrade,  best to keep those sugar smacks in the other room.

> > flim  __American Beauty__;
> if you rearange the letters, it says "I can buy are
> meat."

this makes perfect sense to me as one of our restaurant chains  around here,
the Hamburger Station,  closed a branch near me,   and for a long while had
this message on their sign outside:   "Try are other locations:  Manchester
and Ellet."         well,  it works if you  ~say~ it, i guess.

> > (p.p.s.   august 19th!)
> (it's a wednesday, and....?)

then later

> (p.p.s.   august 19th!)

i stand corrected. i was looking at the wrong month. i
got a gig that night. why, gonna come out and see me?


rats!  no,  actually i was hoping to score another warm body at the Lori
Amey gig at Brady's  if you felt up to road tripping,   but speaking of
Brady's,  don't you have an upcoming gig there as well?   hey losties, go
see bink play on August 19th.  you might wanna tell 'em where, bink.

how's come nobody's brought up  baseball?    that game goes pretty slowly
and few players body check other players,  yet it seems to be pretty
popular.   i might throw in that Anne E. DeChant got to sing the National
Anthem at  a recent Indians game,  you know,  since i'm plugging people
already.    Anybody see it?   .Didn't Kevin Costner make yet ~another~
baseball  movie?   anybody see it?     Kevin Costner seems to like
baseball.... Bill Mallonee seems to like baseball....this new guy at work
seems to like baseball....sometimes db and i play a little game:  turn on
the baseball game on tv,  and  you can't change the channel until somebody
spits.    sometimes  it's a damn short game!

adios muchachos!

(i'm learning spanish, one word at a time. what's a muchacho?)

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