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Re: Good flicks?

Alright then, Kyle.  I'm sorry. Didn't know I was treading on such hostile
ground. Forgive me for offending. God is not casual. God loves well. God is
not legalistic or thrown by the dark sides of things. God is holy. God is
creative. I am human and pretty screwed up and limited in my view. I get
passionate about things that God doesn't care about and I get apathetic
about the things that God is passionate about. I don't claim to be anything
close to being like Him. But curse the day that I stop searching for God and
what He loves.  
I, personally, try not to bar God from areas of my life... like movies or
music. It doesn't make sense to me to believe in God, fall passionately in
love with Him but say that He is only for my spiritual endeavors. Indeed,
God is part of everything I do. I think it hard to reduce some art to merely
"entertainment". Please return to the emails... the things people are saying
in these emails are not easily reduced to entertainment. Tori sings songs
about real things that she feels. Are we allowed to respond in whatever way
we see fit to the things she sings about? She is not singing about
insignificant, surfacey topics. She doesn't sing about nothing and simply
make it sound interesting for us to enjoy. She sings about things that
demand response. You may choose not to respond... but that does not change
the fact. And if that means feeling moved by her anger and struggle and
praying for her, then why not? I was only trying to process this with people
who I thought may grapple with the same sorts of questions.
I didn't mean to be offensive. My one desire is to reflect God and express
His perfect balance of love and truth. Forgive me if I haven't done that.
I guess I'll bow out of this conversation now. It seems that I've ruffled
enough feathers. Apologies.

> From: "Kyle Howe" <howe.38 at osu_edu>
> Reply-To: <howe.38 at osu_edu>
> Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 15:25:49 -0400
> To: "'chelsea kay'" <chelsea at joshuahouse_org>, <over-the-rhine at actwin_com>
> Subject: RE: Good flicks?
>> I found their great love
> wtf?  you are joking, right?  we toss around such terms so casually...love,
> i think not.
>> all of them recognize her as a brilliant artist and
>> listen to her
>> music and buy her cds
> and contribute to her already not insignificant coffer...
> if she needs salvation, she can buy her way in,  (any catholics here? :)
> its music, its movies, its entertainment, its not rocket science, its not
> deep faith, its not the place to look for one's soul, love/life/holiness,
> faith or god.

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