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Re: @ Re: (was Re: occupations?) sometimes i like to stick my fingers where they don't belong*

On Tue, 18 Jul 2000 13:36:19 EDT XC0VENANTX at aol_com writes:

> *** i studied anthropology in school and perhaps my crude 
> questioning came from my desire to discover the relationships and 
> bonds between people.  i feel that often things are criticized to no 
> extent to rile up negatively heated discussions.  that is not always 
> a bad thing however, nitpicking is.  let's not be absurd.

Disclaimer: This reply is to what I THINK you're saying here.  If I'm
wrong, please forgive me.  If I'm right, read it a second time.  

First of all, be careful what you accept from college anthropology

Secondly, I was by no means criticising your question.  I was just
speaking of the frustration that often erupts in the answering of that

Finally, I think it is totally misguided for you to call our discussion
nitpicking, or to suggest that is motivated only by the desire to rile up
negative discussions.  That would be Will on 'Big Brother', not me.  This
is obviously something that has been quite troubling for me and others,
something that I've spent a lot of time figuring out how to deal with. 
For you to then say its nitpicking suggests a shallowness on my part that
I can assure you doesn't exist.  See, this is the kind of thing I am
talking about...  Some folks would choose to judge me by my occupation
while others attempt to judge me (or at least my motivation) by something
I post to a discussion list.  I would ask YOU to not be absurd.  This is
a real, ligitimate issue that could stand to be discussed even more;
maybe not by brain surgeons or CEO's of multi-billion dollar 
corporations - but by us normal folks who are playing the real game of

Finally+, Don't fret.  You did suceed in starting a darn good discussion

It's all good...

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